Saturday, August 14, 2010

Question from Giovanny

Hi Giovanny! First off, I would just like to say Thankyou for getting your hermit crabs the proper care!

I am glad you are getting a bigger cage, you will need it to hold the hermit crab water pools. You can purchase more hermit crabs, and hermit crabs supplies at your local PetCo, Pet Supplies Plus, and (usually) PetSmart!

Regarding Activity Level - New hermit crabs may be a little wary of their new surroundings, and may be a little stressed from the transition. However, in less than a week your hermit crabs should be more active. When your hermit crabs molt, they will stay under their substrate (ex: sand, hermit soil, etc). This means their activity level with you is pretty much 0. However, I find that (most) hermit crabs are VERY friendly when not molting and are very happy to climb around and explore!

Regarding Friends- There is no way to "make your hermit crabs friends" but they will naturally grow fond of each other. They are social creatures, and will enjoy each others' company.

As you requested, here is a cost estimate for everything you will need (excluding the cage):
  • A Reptile Thermometer -3 (the Temp. should be around 72-80 degrees - if it is not, you will have to raise the tempature by either moving it to a warmer place or buying lighting)
  • A Reptile Humidity Gauge - 7 (the humidity should be around 65 to 80%. To raise the humidity in your tank, you can add a sponge, mist the sides of your tanks, and make sure your tank has a lid)
  • Sand/Hermit soil - (this depends on how big your tank its, but this is enough for a ten gallon tank) 2pds of sand - 4
  • 2 "hermit soils" - 3 (I find that my hermit crabs like a mix of both, so you can put one half of the tank hermit soil, the other sand)
  • Hermit Crab Climbing Toy (choya wood, bridge, etc) - 3
  • 2 Hemit Crab Dishes - 5
  • Hermit Crab Coconut - 3
  • Plant (any fake aquarium one would work) - 2
  • Hermit Crab Salt Water Conditioner - 3 (follow the instructions, and put this in one pool)
  • Hermit Crab Drinking Conditioner - 3 (follow the instructions, and put this in the second pool with the sponge)
  • 3 natural hermit crab shells (you will need to get some slightly bigger than they have now. I suggest "green turbos") - 2
  • Hermit Crab Feeder Dish - 1
  • Hermit Crab Food - in your house! (see my other blog posts to see natural hermit crab foods
The total is: about 40$
You can buy these items at your local pet store or at:

I hope this helps! If you have any other questions, or concerns please don't hesitate to ask!
Anna :)

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